Premium Fresh Pet Food Delivery

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining a pet's immune system, energy levels, coat condition, and overall vitality. That's why we choose fresh food for feeding time.

Take control of your pet's health

Pet nutrition is a crucial aspect of caring for your pets and ensuring their overall health and well-being.

Choosing the right pet food

Bao Bowls is a premium fresh food delivery service providing nutritious dog meals. We deliver fresh and carefully hand-crafted bowls to your doorstep, ensuring your furry friends get the quality they deserve.

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Why Choose Us?

  • Pet Nutritionist Approved

  • Doggie Approval

  • Quality & Safety

  • Health and Well-being

Recipes have been curated by a certified Pet Nutritionist to ensure our dogs get the nutritional value they need. Our expert-backed recipes are meticulously crafted to provide only the best for your dog.  

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Dogs love our meals and look forward to eating our bowls, which makes feeding time so much easier, especially if you have fussy dogs.

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Our food is prepared, packaged and stored like human-grade food. We leave our bowls in the fridge, unlike traditional dog food that comes in a bag and can be stored anywhere.

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All bowls are carefully crafted so your dog will enjoy the meal, making dinner time easy, but more importantly, our furry friends get the ingredients they need to live a happy and prosperous life.

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Bao Bowls Premium Ingredients

Prepared in Bao's kitchen

We use all local ingredients from the same purveyors you eat from, cooked to perfection with no additives, to ensure all bowls pack the nutritional value our furry friends deserve.

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How it Works?

  • Choose your bowl

    We have the choice of Chicken or Beef bowls. Our carefully crafted meals use high-quality ingredients with no artificial additives. Select which bowl you want on our Meal Plan page.

  • Subscriptions

    We offer four bundle sizes (S, M, L & XL) to cater to all sizes and needs. Our subscriptions are weekly or monthly, depending on your preference. Select the size and schedule that work for you. 

  • Delivery

    We will deliver bowls to your door twice weekly to ensure freshness. Deliveries are on Tuesdays and Fridays, 6 – 11 am and someone must receive it in person (as it should be put in a fridge straightaway).

  • Enjoy

    We recommend heating the meals in the microwave for 30 seconds before feeding your dog, but that is up to you. Sit back, watch your dog enjoy their Bao Bowl and repeat.

Our Clients!

Quality food cooked fresh for my poochies. In a world full of ultra processed kibble and canned meats - Bao bowls is serving up a heathy alternative for my dogs.


My Rotty loves these bowls!! Such a good healthy meal for dogs. Would definitely recommend.


We have a very selective Australian Cobberdog. She usually turns her nose up at any of the dog food or fine dining options we offer her, but she devoured the food provided by Bao Bowls. Delivery was easy and convenient. I can't recommend this company enough!


Our dog Romeo absolutely loves Bao Bowls! I have never seen him run to his bowl as fast as he does for Bao Bowls. I can see the difference in him eating Bao Bowls over standard dog kibble, he is much happier and more energetic.

  • Pet Nutrition

    Ensuring nutrients for optimal health and well-being. 

  • Subscription

    Repeat with our weekly or monthly Subscription Service.  

  • Delivery

    We provide delivery straight to your door hassle-free.  

  • Secured Payments

    We accept online payments that are secure and trustworthy. 

"What we put in our dog's bowls has a big impact on their health, so choose wisely."